Business details
Are you going to apply your "Permanent Residency" through EXPRESS ENTRY ?
Do you need help regarding IELTS preparation from professionals ?
Then come to us.
We aim to provide guaranteed results in our school with our most exclusive 'Tips n Tricks' study methodologies.
Our school is open till 10:00 pm to well suit your time requirements
We provide professional classroom environment for IELTS, CELPIP and ESL preparation. We are experienced certified trainers with 9 years of IELTS teaching experience.
Come to us and take advantage of the latest and most updated course curriculum as well as free study material.
We take in-class mock test every week and give you regular feedback, performance assessment & personalized attention
In FOUR SKILLS INC., we have helped more than 6,000 students in last 9 years, in different countries like England, Australia, India and now offering our services in Edmonton, Canada.
Be it for P.R(Express Entry) or upgrading your studies, we have an excellent experience of teaching a wide range of students hailing from various countries and backgrounds and producing excellent results.
We accept only small batches to ensure that everyone is taken care of.
- English Schools
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday Closed
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment