Business details
To support communities in Ontario through a safe and wholesome environment dedicated to all community. Our goal is to develop positive values, high self-esteem and a philosophy of nurturing our members to reach their full potential as successful citizens. We will achieve this by providing a comprehensive schedule of quality programs and services that attempt to fully develop all who join our foundation. We strive to run a lean charity - we want as much money going directly to the program recipients as possible. Therefore, we keep our administrative costs extremely low. we have no fancy offices or other perks.
Our Board members and our officers work as unpaid volunteers. Therefore, when you donate to this nonprofit charity, you can be assured that your money will be put to work to help the poor, the needy, the impoverished, those less fortunate who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in dire circumstances - See more at: http://www.ucantrust.ca/what-we-do.php#sthash.KW4cfsLx.dpuf
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- English