Shaklee Independent Distributor - Changing Brands Can Change Your Life
Business details
About Shaklee :
Always works.
We guarantee utmost effectiveness.
Plenty of companies claim their products work. But, at Shaklee, we have proof. You see it in the 100+ scientific papers, 90 of them published in peer-reviewed journals that prove the effectiveness of Shaklee products. You see it in the over $300 million invested in clinical testing, research, and development.
Always safe.
We guarantee unconditional safety.
We start with nature. Shaklee scientists search the world over to source the finest natural ingredients. Then we conduct more than 350 tests on certain key ingredients for such things as for heavy metals, pesticides, or other harmful contaminants. And we continue to conduct more than 80, 000 quality tests annually to guarantee the purity and safety of each and every product.
That's why we're absolutely sure of this: every Shaklee product is 100% safe to use. Guaranteed.
Just some of Shaklee's NO list:
- NO parabens
- NO triclosan
- NO phthalates
- NO sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
- NO sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES)
- NO 1, 4-dioxane
- NO propylene glycol
- NO volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- NO hydrochloric acid
- NO ammonia
- NO sodium hydroxide
- NO butyl cellosolve
- NO formaldehyde
- NO bisphenol-A (BPA)
- NO petroleum distillates
- NO toluene
- NO chlorine bleach
- NO MSG, Dyes, Trans fats, Artificial sweeteners, Toxic inks or banned substances
Always green.
About Me: I personally started searching for cleaner alternatives to products after dealing with an asthma scare with my first child. I had horrible asthma growing up, so when the doctor told me she might be developing it as well I was horrified and went on the hunt for anything I could do to reduce her risk. I came across a video on youtube of an Oprah Get Clean special that was dedicated to Shaklee. After watching the video, and hearing the story of the CEO (who actually purchased the company because his son had been ill and began the same research as myself) I knew I had to try the products. My mom was a huge "Basic H" fan as I was growing up, but it hadn't even crossed my mind until I started doing my own research. After trying the products I was sold. Their safety, dedication to scientific research (I was a research chemist before I decided to change career paths to become a teacher), and their overall effectiveness compared to anything else I've tried made me a dedicated Shaklee user for life! I feel so much better knowing I'm using something safe on my family. Something that won't make them sick, but instead make them healthier? What more could a mom ask for! Oh, and P.S. My daughter is doing fantastically. Doc says no more rattle in her breathing, so I'm over the moon!
Testimonial: I'm a mom who has three children, two of which have had various health issues growing up. After starting my children all on the Shaklee Ocean wonders and DHA supplements they are all healthy, doing well in school and I could not be happier. My husband and I both take the Shaklee Rx for life (Vitalizer, 180 shake and Vivix) and we have never felt better. My migraines are completely gone and my husbands bad back no longer puts him off of work periodically. We feel like teenagers again. I have also lost a 30 lbs using the Shaklee 180 weight loss program. And if my teenage daughter could tell you what she loved the most, she'd say "Enfuselle" skincare all the way. She has suffered from terrible acne on her forehead and cheeks for years but after only a short time of using their skincare, her face is flawless. I never thought I'd see my baby go to school without her makeup mask on but now I do. And now she can't say "mom don't kiss my cheeks in the morning, you'll ruin my makeup!" haha. I love my family first and foremost and by changing what we put into and onto our bodies we have truly created a healthier life for ourselves. We are happy and healthy and the extra money coming in from month to month from our shaklee business now allows us to spend more time together, take trips and do fun things with our children. Having fun creating memories that will last a lifetime! You honestly will not regret this change. With all my love, Kate S.
What Shaklee has to offer:
Weight loss program (Shaklee 180), #1 nutritional company offering top quality vitamins from pure sources, Personal care products to nourish your skin as well as your body, Shaklee Get Clean products to rid your home of harmful chemicals.
What we offer to business partners:
Our fast track incentive gives you the power to earn $150, 000 in just 15 months! Program incentives and bonuses include car allowances and dream incentive trips.
Contact info: Call 902-853-2542 or message via Facebook at facebook.com/AlenasShakleeClean
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment