Business details
Life-Changing Products:
Visi Trimma: The perfect Weight Loss Solution
-all natural formulation that promotes optimal weight control by suppressing your appetite while
converting body fat.
Visi Probita: The Natural Protein (collagen) in the Body
-reduces pain and inflammation, helps control weight loss, incredible changes in your skin!
Visi Rensa: Superior Cleansing for Optimal Health
-all natural formulation that helps eliminate toxins from your body
Visa Wellness: The Perfect Nutrition Solution
Visi Energy: The All-Natural Energy Solution
Life-Changing Opportunity
Visi offers life-changing opportunity with a compensation plan designed to completely transform your life! Following the tradition of leadership and excellence of the Vikings, Vísi offers you a unique path of personal triumph. Step by step, you will be able to develop leadership skills, seek out new opportunities for growth and expansion, and serve others. You will become Vísi. Then, as you help others become Vísi themselves, you will maximize your potential and literally change lives. Additionally, Vísi will help you reach your true potential by providing you multiple ways to enhance your life. Through life-changing leadership, life-changing products, and life-changing opportunity, you can become Vísi.
- Weight Loss
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment