Zija Independent Distributor
47 Crane Road,Business details
If someone told you, that they could show how to put an extra $2000-$3000 a month in your bank account, doing the bare minimum work. Would you be interested?
What, if someone told you, they could also help you loose 20-30lb of FAT in a month or two, without dieting, or even going to the gym. That, is if you have 20-30lb of FAT to loose. Would you be interested?
How about, if that same person, told you that you could practically vanish anyone of Eczema in the matter of 2 months. Would you be interested?
Also, what if we told you, that we could help you rid anyone of the pain of Arthritis, in the matter of months. Would you be interested?
Well, we here at Zija, can help you with all that and MORE! Our products are meant for anyone to use, from a nursing mother to a 3 year old child to an individual who may have told that they're on their death bed. The products we have to offer, are all made from "The Miracle Tree", Moringa Oleifera, is rich with powerful antioxidants which serve the body’s health by eliminating free radicals, cancer causing substances that build up in the body, which eventually lead to the onset of carcinogenic growth. Moringa’s abundant antioxidant profile is superior to the best sources of antioxidants found in nature, including green teas, wild berries, and other recognized super-foods. Moringa has been shown to be effective against, several types of cancers, including, lymphatic cancer that is highly prevalent in people with HIV and AIDS. Also, ovarian, pancreas, lung, esophagus, and breast cancers.
The nutritional ratio and diversity of Moringa have deemed it the “Miracle Tree” or nature’s most nutritious food. The nutrients in this miracle of nature have been reported to treat over 300 different diseases and disorders of the body.
Moringa leaves gram for gram, have 10 times more Beta-Carotene than that of carrots, 9 times more protein then yogurt, 17 times more calcium than that of milk, 15 times more potassium then bananas and 25 times more iron than that of Spinach. Moringa Leaves and pods contain 90+ nutrients and 46 antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatories. Including all of your vitamins( A, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folate, Biotin and much more). Minerals(Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Sulfur & Zinc). Rich in fatty omega acids 3, 6 & 9. Moringa, has 18 out 20 amino acids, 9 essential that our bodies can not produce(L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine & Cystine, L-Tryptophan, L-Phenylalanine & L-Tyrosine, L-Threonine, & Histidine.) and we simply don't find in our food chain anymore. Due to all the hormones and steroids and chemicals sprayed on our crops.
People, we're a Health, Wellness and Financial company, focused on two things, the Health, Well-being and Financial aid of other people. Therefore, we have an AMAZING product, and an AMAZING compensation plan that simply works, for EVERBODY. Drinking, one sachet of our Super-mix is like drinking a year supply of nutrients, in 18OZ of water and delivered to your blood stream in 20 minutes. Moringa, is an adaptogen, thus it enters your blood stream and immediately goes to work at reversing anything that's wrong inside you. For, example, if you have high-blood pressure, it will bring it down to a healthy rate, if you have low-blood pressure, it will bring it up to a healthy rate. It also regulates, blood-glucose levels, it works great for helping Diabetics regulate their blood sugar levels. It's simply astounding what I've witnessed this product reverse on people for the better, from bed ridden Arthritis patients to the elderly hooked up to an oxygen tank, that all now, get out and do the things they enjoy doing, including exercising regularly. I've seen people loose 20-30lbs of fat in the matter of 1 - 2 months, without dieting, or exercising regularly. You simply have to try our products to truly appreciate what we have to offer. Think clearer, focus longer, train harder. Bring your life to a heightened state, live an active life style. Living an active life style, simply means, getting out and doing the things that you enjoy doing.
12 Reasons why, Zija with Moringa:
Protects our body against cancers.
Fights Arthritis.
Helps fight against MS.
Fights against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Is considered to be the most effective herbal treatment for infertility.
Stabilizes blood pressure, to a healthy rate. No matter if its high or low.
Regulates blood glucose levels. Helps fight against Diabetes & problems associated with Diabetic Patients.
Increases metabolism, promotes healthy weight loss.
Increases lean muscle mass.
Increases energy.
Heightens mood.
Promotes healthy circulation.
Look Your Best, Feel Your Best, Be Your Best.
100% MONEY BACK GUARUNTEE. We have over an 85% re-order rate, world-wide.
We, also have a very lucrative compensation plan! 14-Ways to earn income to be exact!
First Order Bonus
Enroller Builder Bonus
Sponsor Builder Bonus
Personal Rebate
Sponsor Rebate
Auto-ship Rebate
Team Commissions - Up to 15%
Leader-ship Check Match
Diamond Poll
Diamond Elite Poll
Luxury Car Bonus - The Benz Program - Zija will give you $1000 a month to finance or lease a Benz.
Incentive Program - Zija pays for vacations up to twice a year! Through the Zija Incentive Points Program.
Multiple Business Center
One Time Cash Bonus
Why the industry of Network Marketing?
Low cost of entry
Tax breaks
Personal development
Leverage and residual income
Time freedom and flexibility
Unlimited income potential
You now own your own business with absolutely no over head costs and no risk to you. Everything is a write off, come tax time.
With our X-Factor promo going on right now, you can earn up to 4x the First Order Bonus, for every person you sign up! That's up to $800 per person! Plus your 15% commission!! We're blowing up peoples bank accounts!! Let me show you how we can do the same for you.
Contact me at anytime, through call or text, if I don't answer. Leave your name, what your interested in and we can set up an appointment to teach you more! And get you on the road to better health and financial freedom.
Financial Freedom is a reality here and Zija International.
Cody. (=
Go to www.pubmed.gov - Type in Moringa and review any article you wish.
Here's to you living Life Unlimited.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment