Business details
Let College Pro Painters protect and beautify your home In the Owen Sound, Southampton, Wiarton, Meaford, and surrounding ares with services that include:
Exterior Painting and Staining
Interior Painting
Wood Siding, Stucco and Vinyl Siding
Garages and Trim Work
Decks and Fences
All Jobs come with:
Free In-Home Estimate
Written Proposal and Warranty
Quality Products and Excellent Service
WSIB and Liability Insurance
Quality work, thorough preparation and clean-up
Call: 1 (800) 32-PAINT to book your FREE ESTIMATE TODAY!
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Friday Open 24 hours
- Saturday Open 24 hours
- Sunday Open 24 hours
- Monday Open 24 hours
- Tuesday Open 24 hours
- Wednesday Open 24 hours
- Thursday Open 24 hours