Business details
About Dyslexia
Did you know that
Dyslexia is not limited to the inversion of letters or numbers?
Dyslexia is not related to a person’s intelligence?
An estimated one in six Canadians has dyslexia?
Undiagnosed dyslexia is the major cause of illiteracy?
In the larger sense of the word, dyslexia signifies a problem with respect to words: written or spoken words, words of speech, words that are recalled on command, the organization and memorization of words, and words that conform to complex rules which originate from foreign languages (Thomas G. West)[i].
This problem occurs despite an adequate or above-average intelligence, conventional instruction, and socio-cultural opportunity.
Dyslexia is genetically inherited, and its cause is biological. According to Albert M. Galaburda[ii], Associate Professor of Neurology at the Harvard Medical School, sufficient scientific evidence accumulated in the last decade confirms that dyslexia stems from neurological causes. Proof has been obtained from both anatomical observations of autopsy specimens and imaging studies in living subjects.
As Galaburda notes, “Anatomical evidence suggests there are differences in the symmetry of brains of dyslexics, in the specific areas dealing with language. This form of symmetry indicates that the language areas of dyslexics are organized differently and that they probably process linguistic information differently as well. [iii]”
It is important to open our minds to this difference to better understand dyslexia, especially since, as remarks Norman Gerschwind, “It has become increasingly evident in recent years that dyslexics are prodigiously talented in a variety of areas.”
- Special Education
Language options
- English
- French
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment