612 FAY STREET,Business details
Welcome to the Grimshaw Military Antiques website! We have placed a selection of interesting items from our extensive stock on this website. Please be aware that the material listed on this site is a partial listing only and that full listings of all available militaria are available only in our series of printed catalogues. If you do not see what you are looking for, contact us and enquire. We have over 55,000 items in inventory and we may well have it in stock or can get it for you.
Please use the Contact Page if you have any questions about the website or if you would like further information on any of the items you see here or about our catalogue subscription. If you get in touch with us please remember to include your name and complete and correct e-mail address so we can reply to you as soon we can! I still occasionally receive emails without that information and I cannot reply to them!
I have just replaced and upgraded my entire computer system. While most of the information from my old files has been carried forward, there is still much work to be done to reformat catalogue files. Consequently, Catalogue 2/11 (Summer) will be delayed. Watch this space!
Catalogue 1/11(Spring 2011) was mailed on Friday 18 March. That issue includes the revised and expanded lists of medals in groups, early Canadian badges and CEF badges all containing much new material. Also included is the list of helmets and headdress and a lengthy list of books, with many histories and useful collector's reference books.
Catalogue 3/09 (Mid-summer 2009) containing lists of international and civil aviation badges will remain current until further notice. Back issues are available.
Sample catalogues are available on request while they last. A few back issues of catalogues 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 2010 remain available.
Catalogues, including back issues, remain valid until particular contents are up-dated in subsequent issues, subject to goods remaining unsold. In addition, the special "Buttons" catalogue, No. 5/01, will remain current until replaced at some future date, although it is now out of print.
Please refer to the Events page for the details of upcoming collectors shows. Details have been posted for the major shows through 2011.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment