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This is a very brief outline of interesting facts on the history of plumbing.
3000 B.C. - Egypt builds basins to contain the flood water and digs canals and irrigation ditches to reclaim marshes.
2500 B.C. - Egypt has an extensive system of dikes, canals, & sluices. They were used until Roman occupation circa 30BC-641AC
1700 B.C. - Minoan Palace of Knossas on the Isle of Crete featured 4 separate drainage systems that emptied into stone sewers. Terra Cotta pipe beneath the floors provided water fountains and hot & cold water faucets. It also had the first flushing toilet. Unfortunately, the concept of the toilet was not seen again until the 16th century.
1500 B.C. - Moses instructs his people to bury their human waste away from camp.
1200 B.C. - Jerusalem had water tunnels from the city that tapped into a water source just outside the city walls.
800 B.C. to 735 B.C. - First Roman sewers were built. The ancient sewer The Cloaca Maxima is still in use.
312 B.C. - First Roman aqueduct built. It spanned 11 miles and was used to transport water.
52 A.D. - Roman aqueduct system had 220 miles of channels and carried about 300 gallons of water for every citizen.
4th c. A.D. - Rome has 11 public baths, 1352 public fountains and cisterns, and 856 private baths.
1596 A.D. - Sir John Harington builds the "Ajax" water closet (toilet) for Queen Elizabeth I. She used it but he was publicly ridiculed for the idea and never built another.
1775 A.D. - Alexander Cumming receives 1st patent for a modern toilet.
1848 A.D. - England passes the "Public Health Act". It would become the world's leading plumbing code. It required every house to have a flushing toilet, privy or ash pit.
2000 A.D. - Do it Right Plumbing and Heating Inc. established which was previously partnered with another well known plumbing company.
Do it Right Plumbing and Heating looks forward to assisting you in your search for the perfect business that suits your plumbing and heating needs.
We feel we can conquer almost any feat in this industry. In keeping with this mission, we offer a wide variety of services. No job is too big or small, as we treat each project with the same meticulous attention to detail.
If you have more specific service-related questions, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.
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- all plumbing & heating fixtures and equipment
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