Business details
Eldidip Media is a company that's goals are to push software development forward, while at the same time giving opportunities to students and others to learn and advance their knowledge. We have 3 main promises to stick by our goal of advancing computer science knowledge:
Student Developers: We think that good developers come from a passion to program, not university degrees. We believe that if you give a high school student the chance to program, they can do amazing things, that can outshine even the most seasoned university graduates. We also believe that experience, and on the job training is the best way to learn. To that end we make a commitment to ensure that we will always hire as many students as is feasible. We will of course hire senior developers (regardless of their degree status, we will hire them for their skill, work ethic and passion), but these senior developers will be mentoring junior, student developers.
Releasing Patents: When we discover something, we don't believe we have the right to own it. We do believe that we should get the first shot at marketing it, so we will file for a patent, but after we believe that the idea has been given a competitive edge, we will release the patent to allow competitors to implement our idea. This puts software development at the forefront, instead of crazy lawsuits where competitors aren't allowed to implement good ideas because someone else thought of it first. Our patents will not usually last longer than a year before we release them, and we will make a promise to release all patents before they hit their 3rd birthday. We believe this approach allows us to spend money on R&D and make our money back, but still allows competitors to enjoy the rewards of our development, and the consumer will certain benefit from being able to get a device with all of the ideas all companies have built into it. We encourage other companies to follow our lead, and everyone will win.
Open Source: As per the last promise, our belief is that the code we "invent" should not be owned by us. We do believe we should have the right to profit off of it, and as such we may not reveal our code until we have put a product out to market for a certain amount of time, just like our patents. However after a year or 2 at most, we will not only reveal our source code, but do tutorials and lessons on it, and teach others how to make use of what we made. Furthermore, any project we do not plan on marketing will be given away freely with the source code, so this means any internal tools we create to help us out, we will give to others to help them as well.
- Computer Software
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment