Zero Tolerance DD's Services Ltd.
Ord Road,Business details
B.C. implemented Zero Tolerance; we are the alternative!!! AVAILABLE FOR PRE-BOOKING & PRIVATE ENGAGEMENTS. Please call for details. Zero Tolerance DD's, ensures all clients a safe and non-judgmental ride home in the customer's vehicle. Being one of the only year round designated driving services in B.C., we offer a very unique alternative to public transportation when alcohol has been consumed by the client.
We have 2 staff members that come to your location. One member will drive your vehicle (Any licensed vehicle including motorcycles) to the destination, while the other follows in the business vehicle. Our commitment to your family, friends and community is to Be Keeping Everyone & Yourself Safe!
Many individuals like to enjoy a night out with friends while having a few drinks and laughs. Before you know it, the legal limit has been surpassed. With the ever changing laws on Driving Under the Influence, it does not take long to be over the legal limit of .08%. B.C.instituted the toughest drinking and driving laws in Canada, .05% to .08% is no longer a 24 hour suspension of your license, but a 3 day suspension, vehicle impounded for those 3 days, as well as a minimum $380 fine. Canada, especially B.C. is showing a zero tolerance to alcohol use and the operation of a motor vehicle. These laws are not just a punishment, but a deterrent to those who may engage in this type of behavior. People are more aware of the seriousness and with our help, they can prepare for their night out. HST Included in all prices.
Business hours
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday