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Elegant Wedding
6150-2100 Bloor Street West,Business details
I wanted to take a minute to personally thank you for visiting If you haven't yet explored the web site, we hope you will. You'll find it contains advice, feature articles, directories, blogs and tools to help you start, run, and grow as a wedding planning Bride. Also join us on our blog or face book to keep you up-to-date with informative new ideas. Our focus is providing factual, practical information to help wedding planners and brides do business more efficiently and with less effort. We hope you enjoy the hottest new wedding magazine in Quebec and explore the site. And, if you like what you see, we hope you'll recommend it to your friends, too. Register at CHICWEDDINGS.CA for your free 400 page wedding planner and Magazine
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- Free
Language options
- French - English - Italian - Greek - Lebanese - Armenian