Ajax Countertop
2970 Seabreeze Rd,Business details
We want to be your source for all your laminate countertop needs.
Showrooms cost money and that is built into the cost you pay, so by taking a different approach we bring our samples to you when you elect to have your new countertop installed by us. Doing it yourself? No problem! Just send me a rough sketch and we’ll give you a quote and deliver your new top for free always.
Lost in the others stores selling multiple products? Don’t be our focus lies in your laminate countertops and kitchen re-facing. Don’t worry our prices are lower and when they say it will cost you, I often say no-charge! Browse our extensive colour selection from Formatop, or if you've got your eye on something else and can’t find it, we can make it for you.
We can take care of your complete installation and all your plumbing needs; from sink and taps to dishwasher and garbage disposal. When we install your new countertop “We Take The Worry Away” as it is measured correctly, conveniently installed and our no-mess, no-fuss cleanup, is in our hands.
My name is Al Kemp and Ajax Countertop operates from my home at 2970 Seabreeze Rd. in Ajax. Although no business is conducted there, I just want you to be assured that I don’t hide behind a store front.
Oh, Our Business Hours? If I answer the phone I’m open. If I’m preoccupied, I’ll get back to you A.S.A.P.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment