AMJ Campbell Self Storage Ottawa
2965 Bank St K1T 1N9, K1T 1N9,Business details
Did you know that you can Save up to $40 in Self Storage costs a month if you stored your possessions at AMJ Campbell Self Storage Ottawa compared to other local self storage facilities! Contact Us to get the best Self Storage Prices at the best Self Storage Facility in the Ottawa area. Call us today and SAVE on your Self Storage needs (613) 737-3333 AMJ Campbell Self Storage Ottawa is your one-stop-shop for your moving and storing needs. We are affiliated with AMJ Campbell Van Lines which is Canada’s largest moving company; therefore, we offer not only storage services, but moving services as well! We also sell all the moving supplies you need to store or move your belongings. Proper packing is essential for a successful move and when you are storing your items. Are you packing? Moving? Storing your items? AMJ Ottawa Self Storage sells various items for all your moving or storing needs. We sell: 2, 4, and 5 Cubic Feet Boxes Wardrobe boxes and China Barrels Tape Bubble Wrap Paper Mattress and Sofa Covers Moving Blankets Locks Our moving supplies are very affordable! If you are looking for these items or others not listed, give us a call and we will surely meet your moving supply. UMove: You Pack and Let Us Do the Driving! It's as easy 1... 2... 3... Order your trailer and packing materials from AMJ Campbell Self Storage. On your moving date, a custom-built 26 foot trailer will be delivered to your home so you can pack it. At a designated time, the trailer is picked up by a representative from AMJ-U-MOVE and driven to your new location. You have just moved yourself in a cost-effective manner without the worry and inconvenience of having to pick-up, drive and drop-off a moving truck.
- AMJ Campbell Moving Company Ottawa. AMJ UMove
Parking detail
- Free
Language options
- English
- French
Accessibility & amenities
- Wheelchair
Business hours
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday