Business details
Start you own Home based Business!
Here are a few points why I joined FG Xpress!
1) Everyone is a customer first...pay your small membership and become a customer to buy your product wholesale. (no government id or dobirth required to become a customer.
2) Parent company is a 10 year old solid company. FGXpress (in business since November2012) is a subsidiary of that company ..so ground floor opportunity with no risk.
3) International-truly global. You can get your product anywhere in the world where there are people and a Post office.
4) Should you want to build a business - the compensation plan is very easy and fair and appealing to everyone from the little guy to the builder.
5) The product is patented and it is unique. It is not a conflict to someone with another business. No one has the strip and the strip can only enhance other products. People with other health supplements, jewellery, skin care, all natural products may have great products BUT they may still have pain or know someone with pain. No conflict of interest there.
6)Strong Management team, strong upline support, a team who is here to support you, help you, work with you should you want to build a business...
I invite you to join our great Business Opportunity !
Have a great day!
Heidi Mills
- Home Based Business
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment