Creighton's Gym
850 Tapscott Road Unit 7,Business details
"Taekwon-Do is an art of self defense which aims at noble moral rearmament, a high degree of intellectual achievement, graceful techniques and beauty of physical form it can be considered as part of one's daily life, just as are breathing and thinking. Taekwon-Do is the Korean martial art that was founded April 11, 1955 by General Choi, Hong Hi (9th degree black belt, the highest in Taekwon-Do). In 1965, with the Korean Taekwon-Do movement General Choi received approval from the South Korean Government to declare Taekwon-Do as Korea's National Martial Art. "TAE" means to jump or kick or smash with the feet. "KWON" means to block, punch, kick, strike or smash with the hand or fist. "DO" means an art or way. Thus, Taekwon-Do is the technique of unarmed self-defense involving the skilled application of techniques that include punches, strikes, kicks, blocks, dodges and interceptions with the bare hands, arms and feet, to swiftly overpower an opponent. It instils a spirit of strict self-imposed discipline and the ideal of a noble moral character. Taekwon-Do also cultivates the virtues of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. Taekwon-Do can be traced to Tak Kyon, the art of self-defense, which originated 1, 300 years ago during the Silla Dynasty in Korea. Tae Kyon was taught and practiced among the youths of Hwa Rand-Do, who were hand picked to be trained as military leaders of Silla, one of three ruling kingdoms of Korea at that time (the others two kingdoms were Koguryo and Daek-Je.). March 22, 1966, General Choi founded the International Taekwon-Do Federation in Seoul, Korea with the consent of nine countries, (Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, The United States, Turkey, Italy, The United Arab Republic and Korea). In 1974, a tremendous worldwide event took place in the city of Montreal, Canada. The result was the First World Taekwon-Do Championships.
Creighton’s Gym
Say no to bully
Learn to Respect self and others
Say no to violence
What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person.
Some of the ways they bully other people are by: calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, threatening them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging their things, hitting or kicking them, or making them do things they don't want to do.
Have any of these things happened to you? Have you done any of these things to someone else? Really, bullying is wrong behavior which makes the person being bullied feel afraid or uncomfortable.
Master Seymour Creighton BullyBeGone program is simply about our kids, changing there life now so that they can have a positive outlook and a future that is uplifting and balance.
BullyBeGone will build stamina, strength, confidence and better mental focus our training is base on the five tenths of Taekwon-do.
-Courtesy….Respect for one self as well as others, has a good behavior and the right attitude.
-Integrity….To always be just in your action, have good values and hold yourself in high regards and be honest at all times.
-Perseverance…. To work hard, be totally committed to the improvement of oneself and being patience when thing done always work out.
-Self –control….Control of self think before you take action make sure it is the right thing to do always remember to keep you in check.
-indomitable Spirit….Is you, your personality have faith in yourself knowing that you will never give up on you, its your willingness to stand up for your believe and having a strong will power and a desire to be successful.
Trust….Reliance of a person that you have confident in someone you can go to and you know that they will look out for you. A person on whom you can relie , trust should and most imply a feeling of security.
Stop bullying
Awareness seminar
Free workshop
APRIL 28, 2012
TIME 11:30 TO 1PM
Presented by
Master S.C. Creighton
8th degree ITF certified Black Belt
Certified Boxing Coach Level 1 & 2
Certified Personal Trainer
High Five Certified
8 time Canadian National Taekwon-Do Champion
5 time Canadian National Team Coach
5 time Canadian National Team Member
Parking detail
- Free
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment