Business details
The Visalus products are based around the Vi Shake, which is a meal replacement shake. It is promoted via the 90 day challenge, to improve your health, lose weight, getter better nutrition, and build lean muscle.
The Vi Shape protein powder has been dubbed “the shake mix that tastes like cake mix” and let me tell you it tastes fantastic. I have over 100 different recipes for this shake and it is so quick and easy.
One Vi-Shake has the nutritional content of 1.5 cups broccoli, 13 eggs, 5 peaches, 2.5 chicken breasts, 1.5 cups yogurt, 1.5 cups bran flakes, 18 oz tomato juice, 1.5 cups romaine lettuce, 5 oz cheese, 3 cups cooked lima beans, 15 slices whole wheat bread, 20 asparagus spears, 1 cup brown rice, 2 cups mushrooms, 30 apples, 10 celery stalks, 3.5 tomatoes, 3 pineapples and 30 prunes.
This truly is “Fast food” made healthy, Cutting calories while getting proper nutrition can be hard, expensive, and time-consuming. Vi-Shape™ offers you a fast ‘ideal meal’ that can save you money while providing amazing nutrition.
Join the Body by Vi Challenge and transform your shape in just 90 days. Unlike other weight loss challenges, we offer affordable, fast and fun meals, exercise videos, online tools and community to support you, and more! We reward our best transformations with over $25, 000, 000 each year in total prize value, so join the challenge today!
Remember, if you invite 3 friends who join the Challenge with you by purchasing a Challenge Kit of equal or greater value to your own, yours will be free the following month!
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment