Business details
-This method is used by Hollywood celebrities.
-The technique every similar to thermal bonding BUT without any min, glue Of any chemicals.
-The hair extensions are attached by a small ring (micro ring) which is damped tightly to hold the extension hair 10 11,0 natural hair.
-This method is used with the highest hair quality.
-This is a great technique for client's who enjoy the free-flowing effect
-The method is suitable for all Asian, European hair types
-The method is best for clients who do not feel comfortable with the idea of glue or resin in their hair.
-The micro rings are compact and match every hair cdor. (Example: brown micro rings are attached with brown hair, blonde !Okla rings we attached with the blonde hair). This keeps the attachment of the extension hidden and camouflaged.
-The micro rings lay flat and tend to be less bulky then The thertnal bonds.
-This method of hair extensions last from 3-5 months. (This varies depending on each individual, and how they maintain their hair-You shodd expect a few to fall out during this time).
-It is advised to have the Poonstar Hair Extensions moved up after 8-10 weeks to stop them fran becoming visble as the natural hair confirmro to grow. —
-It is BEST to have a qualified technician to remove hair extensions. If taking out alone, you can cause breakage of the hair. Proper removal is quick and peerless and leaves ninroat damage to pew awn hair.
-Clients can blow-dry, cud or even sbaighten with Poonslar Hair Exterisbus.
- Hair Salons
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment