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Osteria Restaurant
106 Victoria St,Business details
AUS’TER’EE’AH CHEE’CHE’REE EH TREE’AH—once you learn how to say it, you might be interested to know what it means. First, an osteria is a traditional Italian tavern, a gathering place where locals and visitors alike can drop in on a whim, unwind with a glass (or two) of wine, find out the day’s gossip, talk (or shout) sports, and have a bite to eat of whatever the host, or oste, has decided to prepare for the day. Second, Ciceri e Tria is a typical Pugliese dish made up of chickpeas (ciceri),a bit of broth, and homemade pasta (that’s the tria). Be prepared for the tiny dishes on the Osteria’s always-changing menu to bombard your table Barese-style.
Business hours
- Saturday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday