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1350 BATH RD,Business details
Teppanyaki is a person (or chef) cooking different kind of grilled food such us steak, shrimp, vegetables in front of you by using a iron griddle. Sakura specializes in authentic Japanese cuisine prepared the finest delicacy. We offer a large variety of specialties such as Sushi, Tempura, Sashimi, Special Maki, Teriyaki, different types of Teppanyaki as well as kid's temppanyaki, authentic appetizers and salads. One of the favorites, among Sakura`s customers, are the various Japanese’s drinks such as Sake, Sapporo and Asahi. Also, enjoy our Party Trays with up to 92 pcs. "Unlimited Sushi for Lunch & Dinner".
Parking detail
- Free
Accessibility & amenities
- Wheelchair
Business hours
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday