11474 149ND ST,Business details
what is element?
e l e m e n t Cycling & Multisport is the brainchild of Cam MacKenzie.
Cam has created element with the idea of creating a new shopping experience for the triathlon and cycling enthusiasts. For many athletes, sport becomes part of your day to day routine.
element merges sport and lifestyle. We provide sport specific product and services with a range of lifestyle products and clothing. We‘re more than a “bike shop”
about element
Many of you will know Cam from his long tenure in the industry. Cam MacKenzie has been cycling since ’84, and took up triathlon on a “dare” in ’89. With 25 Ironman races under his belt, he enjoys the sport more than ever.
He is well known and respected in Edmonton as well as across Alberta & beyond for his knowledge of the sport and all of the technical products that make our sport so exciting. As well, Cam is a FIST(TM) certified bike fit technician, one of two in northern Alberta. The other FIST(TM) certified bike fitter is the other principal, Elise Gaudet-MacKenzie.
Elise Gaudet has been participating in triathlon since 1993, With 14 Ironman finishes in her resume, Elise finished her 3rd Ironman Hawaii in October ’07. In addition to being a top flite competitor, Elise has been the race director of the Womens’ Triathlon for over 10 years. She is currently enrolled in Level 1 & 2 Triathlon Coaching.
At e l e m e n t, we have carefully selected and will offer premium sports equipment and a host of premium services from bike fit to training information and seminars. To supplement our focus on service, we will be offering in house training clinics and seminars including winter spin classes, speakers forums and introductory triathlon training clinics.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Saturday
- Sunday Closed
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday