Kenneth Homes Design Build Inc.
3-4380 South Service Rd,Business details
Kenneth Homes Design Build has built our reputation on quality workmanship, professionalism and unrivaled customer service. We believe that a home deserve to be designed, built and renovated by a company that truly cares. We take great pride in every project we take part in. From the design and dream stage to the day that you get to sit back for the first time and realize that your dream home is a reality.
It is our pleasure to provide our clients with exceptional, personalized one-on-one service with our project managers. This on-on-one approach ensures that a relationship is built and maintained throughout the entire process. No detail gets lost in the lines of communication as we always maintain a single point of contact for our clients. Protecting your dreams, your investment and your home is always our priority.
We offer a wide range of services from design / build, project management & general contracting, addition, small and large renovations, basements, bathrooms and kitchens. We have provided these services for: commercial/industrial facilities, pharmaceutical companies, small and large corporations, condominium corporations as well as private residences.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment