Business details
Painting in St. Catharines and area for office and houses.
Tresham Painting employs ten full-time painters in St. Catharines for:
- Commercial painting
- House painting
- Exterior painting
- Interior painting
We have been painting in St. Catharines and area since 2000 and have a reputation for quality paint work, polite trustworthy painters, quick turn around times, and a willingness to accommodate your unique set of paint project requirements. All of our painters are employees of Tresham and are insured by WSIB. The company carries liability insurance through Co-Operators Insurance. If you need a team of painters willing to work hard for you, we would love the opportunity to take on your next paint project.
If you’re looking for high quality painting in St. Catharines and area for your house or office, call or email us – and put our pro painter team to work for you.
- Exterior/Interior Painting
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment