Dr. R Moufarrège MD. F.R.C.S.(C) Chirurgien Plasticien
1111 rue Saint-Urbain Suite 106,Business details
Docteur Richard Moufarrège détient un fellowship du Collège Royal de chirurgie du Canada en chirurgie plastique ainsi que le certificat de spécialité de la province de Québec.
Depuis 1989 il est professeur agrégé à l'Université de Montréal en chirurgie plastique, il a des privilèges opératoires à l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal où il réalise des opérations de chirurgie reconstructive. Quant à la chirurgie esthétique, il la pratique à sa propre clinique au 1111 rue St-Urbain, suite 106.
Nos chirurgies:
- Addition mammaire
- Blépharoplastie
- Le face-lift
- Liposuccion
- Redrapage mammaire
- Réduction mammaire
- Rhinoplastie
- Abdominoplastie
Thinking of changing your outer appearance? Get the best in the business, contact Dr. R. Moufarrège.
Changing your outer appearance is a delicate and important matter, and choosing the right doctor is just as critical. With almost 20 years in practice, Dr. R. Moufarrège is one of Quebec's leading plastic surgeons and has helped numerous people achieve their goals. A good plastic surgeon will discuss not only the procedures and the risks but also the expectations for the final result, and Dr. R. Moufarrège will counsel you every step of the way.
Visit our website to gather useful information about services, procedures, and required post-treatments. Once you're ready to make that next step, contact Dr. R. Moufarrège.
Health care, physicians & surgeons (M.D. & D.O.) by specialty, plastic & reconstructive surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, hospitals and medical clinics.
Our Surgeries:
- Breast augmentation
- Blepharoplasty
- Face lift
- Liposuction
- Breast lifting
- Breast reduction
- Rhinoplasty
- Abdominoplasty
Certifications and associations
Collège Royal de chirurgie du Canada
Language options
- French
- English
Business hours
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment