Business details
Canadian Industrial Fire Protection Co Inc. is structured to properly accommodate all clients, large & small. All work is completed by our in-house staff, making Canadian Industrial Fire Protection Co. Inc. a highly resourceful Fire Protection Company. The highly qualified and professional staff at Canadian Industrial Fire Protection Co Inc. performs residential, commercial and industrial installations, repairs and service at thousands of locations across Canada. Our experience and unparalleled knowledge of the fire protection industry enables us to offer top quality, professional service with reasonable pricing to our clients and provide a safe and manageable work environment.
Canadian Industrial Fire Protection Co. Inc. is a FULL-SERVICE company, providing:
24 Hour Service, including Weekends
Qualified & NAFED Certified Technicians
Fair and Competitive Pricing
Clearly Identified & Fully Stocked Vehicles
All of our Technical Staff are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the following disciplines:
Fire Alarms, Surveillance Cameras
Sprinkler Systems & Fire Hydrants - Inspection, Service & Installation
Extinguishers, Hoses & Cabinets - Inspection, Service & Installation
Chemical Suppression Systems - CO2, FM-200, Argon Inert Gas Clean Agent
Fire Alarm & Emergency Lighting Systems Design & Installation
Consulting & Engineering - Fire Safety Plans, Fire Code Consulting
Certifications and associations
National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (N.A.F.E.D) National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.), Canadian Fire Safety Association (C.F.S.A.), Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (U.L.C.)
- Fire Equipment