Business details
- Graduated from University of Toronto Law School in 1964 at the age of twenty-three.
- Called to the bar of the Law Society of Upper Canada in March of 1966
- Immediately commenced his law practice in the central part of Toronto
- Eighty percent of his practice is purchases and sales of houses and condominiums, and mortgages
- Has drawn up thousands of Wills and Powers of Attorney and handled many estates.
- Has acted over a forty-four year period in the purchases and sales of over one hundred restaurants and obtaining liquor licenses for many of them.
- Has acted in the purchases and sales of many plazas, apartment buildings and stores throughout Ontario.
- One of the very few lawyers in downtown Toronto who handles residential real estate.
- His legal fees are reasonable.
Over 40 Years Experience Real Estate, Mortgages, Corporations, Purchases & Sales Of Businesses, Wills, Estates, Powers Of Attorney.
Language options
- Cantonese
- French
- Polish
- German & Yiddish