Business details
ExtremeClassifieds.com is a on-line based classified ads for events, jobs, resumes, pets, autos, real estate, services and everything else.
Find what you are looking for or create your own ad for free! ExtremeClassifieds.com is fast, easy, free and safe to use.
Free to register, free to post ad, free to browse ads, free to contact sellers.
We invest a great deal of time and effort in monitoring and filtering the content posted to the website, so you can be confident that you'll find only quality, relevant ads.
Our goal at ExtremeClassifieds.com is to make it as easy as possible to buy, sell and trade.
Contact us today for more information!
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Language options
- English
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Business hours
- Tuesday Open 24 hours
- Wednesday Open 24 hours
- Thursday Open 24 hours
- Friday Open 24 hours
- Saturday Open 24 hours
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- Monday Open 24 hours