Language of Light Alchemy - Intuitive Energy Healing
242 Summer St.,Business details
Language of Light Alchemy - Intuitive Energy Healing - Soul to Soul Inspiration, Insight and Empowerment
Do you often feel stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed even defeated by all the obstacles and challenges that hold you back from living that "unlived" life or dream within you? Are you tired of repeating the same old limiting storyline, the same inneffectual negative patterning that not only weighs you down, but also brushes aside any hopes of experiencing a more happy, peaceful, inspired life?
Do you silently dream of being who you really want to be, doing what you really want to do without any hesitations or apologies attached? Do you settle for less than you deserve in life? Does your heart reflect on a long list of excuses, regrets, and beliefs that leave you feeling hopeless and powerless? Are you that person that thinks you don't have what it takes even though something deep within you continuously reminds you to just try?
Even though you may have answered " Yes " to these storylines... The Truth is that none of these storylines defines Who You Really Are. You are not meant to regretfully settle for less, and God did not intend for you to silently dream that joyous, inspired and empowered life only in your mind!
I believe that the Universe is always offering you magnificent opportunities to be all that you can be no matter who you think you are, no matter what trials and obstacles you've been through in life. I believe the Power of Choice and Decision has always been in your hands and you've always had the freedom to be who you want to be, do what you want to do and go where you want to go in life. The only reason you didn't make those choices and decisions you truly wanted was because you were afraid, like so many of us since time immemorial.
When Life asks you to see the world through new windows of perception then pay attention. When Life presents you with the RIGHT window of perception, you are going to feel it with all your being.... That Truth will resonate so strongly and clearly.... you will just know that that particular window of opportunity looks and feels just right!
The only thing left for you to do is ...... LEAP INTO THAT LIGHT!
Have the courage and faith to boldly walk through that doorway of greater potential that has emerged Just For You!
Now I'm obviously sharing this relevant information with you because I believe that You have stepped into Alignment with Me. I believe that You now have a clear way out of your old storyline! You now have an amazing opportunity to be different, to be REAL, to do something radically empowering for yourself! I want you to decide today that YOU MATTER! I want you to overcome that resistance to fear and change so that YOU can become Who You Are Truly Meant To Be. You, like so many others in this world, deserve to know what true happiness, and fulfillment feels like. You deserve to awaken and access a greater consciousness in you that will not only empower you to overcome your fears.... It will fascinate you, thrill you, and electrify you to dare to dream even bigger and bolder than you ever imagined possible.
The one real lesson in life that I learned, that I still continue to be amazed by..... is that there is not one intention or goal in anyone's heart that is truly too big or too difficult to change, heal, resolve, transform or manifest when we decide we WANT to be transformed! You have always had the power to create and re-create the life you've wanted! Today I am hoping that you will choose RIGHT for yourself! I am praying that you will step through your fears and choose to LOVE YOURSELF MORE THAN YOU'VE EVER HAD BEFORE.
Does this feel and sound like a fantastic opportunity to transform your life? It really is! I can't even tell you how much my life has changed because of Language of Light Alchemy.....
You no longer have to feel disempowered, distressed or defeated anymore. Now you no longer have to be afraid of your own fear and self-blocks and limitations. FEAR has always been the culprit that's stopped you from living that happy, fulfilled, empowered life you dream of. If there's one thing important fact I've learned over the years, Fear is not as big and as bad as it seems or sounds. I should know considering I've had to shed layers upons layers of it myself over several years of my own life. What I've gratefully learned in my own experiences with Fear is that most times, it's a blessing in disguise, a tremendous opportunity for us to re-write, re-wire, and re-create our thought/behavioural processes. Fear is an awesome catalyst for personal transformation and evolutionary growth if you choose to perceive it as necessary evolutionary stimulus. Even though fear will still play a crucial role in our evolution, we don't have to fear FEAR anymore. In fact, I want you to remember that know that there is always a way out of FEAR. There is always a Light at the end of every dark tunnel. We just have to reach it. It won't always be easy, but I promise you it will be worth it. That's one of my favorite Christ teachings. I also want you to know that I will always share any crucial details about Fear and Transformation in every one of my Language of Light Alchemy Sessions with you. You will always know exactly what self-limiting blocks you need to transform and how you're going to set yourself free. Now just a little bit about the process you will experience with Language of Light Alchemy.....
Language of Light Alchemy is a unique and revolutionary system that will help you connect to and access that Inner Power within you that will encourage, inspire and empower you to BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE.
Language of Light Alchemy teaches you how to " Know Thy True Self ". As you release and transform your fears and self-limiting blocks, you not only reveal a whole new You, you reveal a whole new perception of the world as well! The Language of Light Intuitive Guidance and Insight you receive before, during and after your sessions is based under the blessed guidance and direction of A Course in Miracles and Tibetan Buddhist teachings. The Energetic Healing Frequencies I extend to you directly and instantly access countless Divine Celestial Beings and Angelic Forces on your behalf that wish to serve and empower your willingness and effort to transform and evolve. This combined therapy of lessons, prayers and energy work will gradually help you to HARNESS YOUR OWN EXTRAORDINARY INNER POWER so that you too can naturally, systematically heal and transform your self-limitations and gradually unveil the Real You!
Decide right now that YOU MATTER. Decide right now that your peace, happiness and fulfillment suddenly matters more than ever before! This one decision you make Right Now will instantly Shift you from feeling fearful and powerless to FEELING INSPIRED AND EMPOWERED! Isn't this Who You Really want to be? Of course we both know the answer to that question.... Like I mentioned earlier, There are no coincidences. There is only Life leading you exactly where you need to be so that you can become a more Fearless, Extraordinary You that allows no boundaries to hold you back from living that happy, inspired, empowered life you dream of. You have always had the right to claim your Happiness and Fulfillment! Today I would like to see you FULFILL THAT RIGHT! So choose YOU today! Choose Language of Light Alchemy and together we will let your Soul communicate to us both exactly how to heal, transform, inspire and empower you to greater heights of happiness, power and potential.
This is what Language of Light Alchemy is about! And below is what you will expect to receive when you book with me....
The entire process Language of Light Alchemy Process involves Soul and Celestial Communication, + Divine Intervention involving multiple Divine Multi-Dimensional Transmissions of.....
--- Divine Sacred Geometric Patterns for restructuring and restoration of the True Mind, Body and Soul ( restoration of your Original Blueprint, the Real You.... the " I AM " Presence within You.
--- Axiotonal Alignments and Higher Belief/Thought/Behavioural Attunements to restore your mental and emotional well being and connect you to the Infinite Mind and All That Is in the Universe.
--- Angelic Energy Healing Frequencies and Codes designed to create your own Personal Higher Evolutionary Blueprints that will not only accelerate your healing and transformation; these ever changing, evolving blueprints will gradually, systematically, and sometimes even dramatically raise your consciousness awareness to greater and greater heights of illumination and enlightenment. No given energetic blueprint is ever the same. With each session, you will receive a completely new and unique blueprint that will continue to raise and expand your transformation, expansion and awareness.
Language of Light Alchemy is a storehouse of Pure Potential and Power that will help you to connect with your Inner Self, Access your own Inner Power so that you can TRANSFORM HOW YOU THINK, HOW YOU FEEL, AND HOW YOU ACT!
You have to decide to BE MORE, AND BECOME MORE OF WHO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE so that you can MANIFEST THAT " UNLIVED LIFE " within you!
So don't feel limited by your fears anymore! Don't remain wounded by your past, and please don't believe in all those self limiting thoughts and feelings that cross your mind on a daily basis....
Don't put off, or delay your happiness and fulfillment any longer!
Email me today for a FREE INTUITIVE READING! Just send me your name and picture if you can, so I can connect with you spiritually and I will reply back with a brief outline of any immediate Fears or Self-Limiting Blocks that are holding you back! I will endeavor to respond within 48 hours. Thank you for patiently and considerately awaiting my response to you.
My Email : LanguageofLightAlchemy@gmail.com
Reply with the following message.... I would like a Free Intuitive Reading please....
Thank you All! Have a very bright and blessed day! :)
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment