Business details
Originally founded by a McGill math grad/instructor with 5+ years of professional experience, Math Vault now offers customized tutoring to 120+ University / CÉGEP / Grade 12 math courses in College Math (Concordia MATH 200/201/202/206/208, McGill CMS2 500/CMSC 000/101/MATH 111/112/180), Linear Algebra (McGill BREE 103/MATH 123/133, Concordia MAST 214/MATH 204), Calculus (Concordia MATH 203/205/209, McGill AEMA 101/102, CMSC 001/002, MATH 122/139/140/141/150), Logic (McGill PHIL 210/310), Probability (McGill ECSE 205/MATH 323, Concordia ENGR 371/MAST 221/STAT 249), Statistics (Athabasca MATH 215/MGSC 301, Carleton PADM 5114, Concordia COMM 215/INTE 296/MAST 333/SOCI 212, McGIll AEMA 310/BIOL 373/CMS2 521/CMSC 221/EPIB 507/MATH 203/POTH 204/PSYC 204/SOCI 350/MGCR 271/MGCR 273/EDPE 575/ECON 227D1/227D2, TÉLUQ STA 1001, Yorkville BUSI 1013), Proof-Based Math (Concordia COMP 232/MATH 364/MAST 217, McGill MATH 235/240/242), Grade 12 Math (Pre-Calculus 12, Math 30-1, Pre-Calculus 30, Pre-Calculus 40S, MHF4U, MCV4U, MDM4U, MCT4C, MAP4C, Mathematics 536, Mathematik 11, Mathematik 12) and CÉGEP-level math (Algebra and Functions, Algebra and Trigonometry, , Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Calculus I/II, Engineering Mathematics II, Applied Mathematics for Electronics Engineering, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Advanced Statistics, Statistical Methods, Quantitative Methods, Business Data Analysis). In addition, coaching in LaTeX, mental arithmetics and standardized tests (ISEE, SSAT, PSAT, SAT, ACT, DAT, PCAT, GMAT Quantitative Sections, GRE Quantitative Reasoning, AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Statistics, SOA). For more information, head to our website at http:/mathvault.ca, contact us via phone at (438)388-1025 or email at info AT mathvault DOT ca.
Certifications and associations
Mathematics, Statistics
- Customized tutoring in mathematics and statistics (McGIll / Concordia / Athabasca / Carleton / TÉLUQ / Yorkville / CÉGEP/Grade 12), Coaching for standardized tests, consulting, educational publishing
Parking detail
- Free
Language options
- English
- French
Business hours
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday