Lewis Massage Therapy & Natural Health Centre
123,12222 137Ave,Business details
Massage Therapy: 1. Deep Tissue Massage. 2. Swedish Relaxation Massage.
3. Acupressure Massage. 4.Chinese TuiNa.
Special Treatment: 1. Cupping. 2. Guasha. 3. Herbal Foot Bath & Reflexology
Acupuncture Treatment:
Acupressure Facial Massage:
July Special!!
1. 7-9pm Massage Therapy $60/hr for first visit new client(Reg.$80/hr)
2. 4 Hands Massage Therapy for $130/hr(Reg.$160/hr)
Online Booking: www.lewismassage.com. Save App Icon on ur phone & ipad .
Direct Billing to Blue Cross and Green Shield Canada.
2200 hour Certified
4 Hands Massage Available
Lewis grew up in a famous traditional Chinese Doctors' family.
She has excellent knowledge and experience of traditional
Chinese Medical treatment.
Member of Natural Health Practitioners of Canada.
* Lewis Natural Herbal Massage --- $90/hr
* Deep Tissue Massage----------------$90/hr
* Chinese TuiNa
* Swedish Relaxation Massage
* Acupressure Massage
* Acupuncture
* Guasha * Cupping
* Herbal Foot Bath & Reflexology
30 MIN ------ $50
45 MIN ------ $65
60 MIN ------ $80
Location: 123-12222 137 Ave(White Oaks Square in Shadified salon)
Hours: Mon-Fri:10am-9pm, Sat:10am-6pm,
Ask About Lewis Memebership
Booking an appointment please text or call
Full or Part Time Registered Massage Therapist Required,
any inquires please phone(780-901-7618)
or email resume
Parking detail
- Free
Language options
- English
- Chinese
Business hours
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday