Business details
You have an idea about where you want your business affairs to go and we can help you get there. We are the experts at helping our customers take their businesses to the next stage, through our cross culture bridging concepts we do look forward to transforming your business interests go further, when dealing with ventures in the Aboriginal section as well as in the private sector.?
We do and host many things that will help any Organization better understand each other, from work shops to conferences: to giving lectures, at Colleges, Universities, to even a work place environmental setting. We also do capacity building conferences, workshops and also asset mapping workshops, to bring community people and structure, First Nations leadership link back together the people and straighten the will of the people, rather than just governance and policy, in other words we bring the community back to the people and its leadership. These services we do with reasonable rate.
?Where the wisdom is still as honorable as the wisdom that has been passed by from generation to generation, to provide effective solutions designed to boost your business, be it small or a large organization.
Our services design solutions is tailored specifically to the needs of your business in order to ensure you achieve your dreams of success.
Check out our custom solutions and services.
Our goal at: Alec Oombash Consulting for our clients to gain some valuable insight on our methodologies and thinking process when approaching various cross-cultural pathways, where cultural sensitivity is needed to be bring out the very best ecotourism-healthy proactive communities’ where concepts are a stepping stone to improve concepts, designs and marketing challenges for the people we assist in meeting their needs, as well as navigate each other’s perspectives to promote innovated business ideas.?
Email: aoombash@lakeheadu.ca