Christina Pilon-Century 21 Heritage Group Ltd.
43 Queen St. N.,Business details
A Realtor® will not take it for granted that you know all the ins and outs of the buying/ selling process. Instead, he or she will provide you with a full explanation of what to expect and that's important so you're not faced with any surprises along the way.
One of the first questions a Realtor® will ask is, Why are you moving? A Realtor® will also explore any time constraints you might have (perhaps imposed by the need to relocate for employment), your financial situation and any future plans.
A Realtor® will help you identify what you want in your new residence. A pool? A garage? An extra room? A particular building design? What about the neighborhood? Proximity to schools or work? A Realtor® will compare your needs, wants and budget with what is available on the market and make recommendations that save you time and effort.
He or she will also accompany you as you view houses and help you assess their suitability and price. As an expert on a property, a Realtor® can provide facts on the neighborhoods, the cost of heating, the condition of the furnace, and so on. In other words, he or she will work with you to achieve your dream.
Call me today to discuss your needs!
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment