Always On Time 2012 Pilot Car Service
5711 172b St,Business details
Founded in 1997, our company has a well established client base with many referrals. Always On Time Pilot Cars have a strong reputation for reliability and safety.
We have 12 company operators and a number of trusted independent operators available to handle the largest loads and the longest trips.
While our operators are primarily based in the Metro Vancouver area, we are in contact with our pilot cars at all times and we are able to re-direct them as needed throughout Canada. This ensures that we can meet you and your loads as quickly as possible.
Our Dispatch and Office are available 24 hrs. to assist you with all of your transportation needs, just give us a call anytime.
All of our drivers have WCB coverage, load restricted route knowledge, and are ready to take you to your destination anywhere in Canada, the Northwest Territories or Alaska.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday