Iconic Image Inc.
3601 Highway 7 East, Suite 400,Business details
Our recruiters and account managers have many years of experience in staffing and are expert in filling variety of senior and intermediate roles within Information Technology, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Logistics and HR departments of large, medium and small size companies from Banking, Financial, Telecom, Retail, Manufacturing and Mining industries.
We have extensive experience in “Full Recruitment Life Cycle” from Sourcing, Technical and Behavioural (STAR) Screening, Status Screening and Career Objective Screening.
We use all our available resources from Social Media and Professional affiliations to our in-house and online databases and through Means of referrals and networking to find the right individuals for our clients.
We focus on relationship building by building rapport and we stay focused and in control at all stages of the screening, client interviews, offer presentation, and reference process.
Language options
- English
- German
- Farsi
Business hours
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment