Eden Hobbies
751 1 ST NW,Business details
Here's How it Works:
The company has created a Retail Profit Pool (RPP) and shares up to 50% of the daily net profits with its Qualified Affiliates*. You can access your Retail Profit Pool report in your ZeekRewards back-office.
When you sell Retail Bids or give away VIP Bids from ZeekRewards you can earn VIP Cash Awards every day for 90 days on the VIP Points you received just for placing ONE FREE AD for Zeekler.com daily and submitting the link to your ad through your ZeekRewards Ad Center in your back office.
Every time you sell Retail Bids or give away VIP Bids as samples to retail customers through your ZeekRewards back office - those bids earn you points in your ZeekRewards VIP ProfitPoint balance. At the end of each day (7 days a week) the company determines its daily overall revenues and shares up to 50% of it's net profits with its Quaified Affiliates* based on each individuals VIP ProfitPoint Balance.
- Health
- Weight Management
- Business
- Weight Loss Programs
- Health Products & Services
- Network Marketing
- Home Based Business
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday Closed
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment