Business details
Tired of not finding a solution you can do immediately to make your body feel better?
Are over prescribed medications to suppress symptoms not the answer you are seeking?
Do you realize that your emotions help produce pain anywhere in your body?
Are you willing and ready to release the pain and negative emotions that make you feel down.
You have the power to heal.
These amazing potent oils were brought forward in 2013. They are in 23 countries with outstanding results. (These are not essential oils!!) They are Fragrance Alchemy Oils and they release from the body, unwanted emotions such as anxiety, stress, depression, guilt, anger, loss, trauma, and abuse. They release mental patterns that keep you in repetitive cycles. The FA oils even take out pain you feel in the body as most pain is caused through emotions. Theses oils greatly facilitate your own power to heal.
Fragrance Alchemy Oils are so powerful, and have recently been tested in a lab in Taiwan along with the other pure oils, and they have been documented as the highest vibrating substance known on earth. Whereas the leading therapeutic essential oils test between 5-7 MHz,th e Fragrance Alchemy oils test beyond 16 MHz. (Megahertz)
Some testimonials:
"I had a very tense knotted upper back and shoulder for 2 to 3 days- when I rubbed the meridian point you mentioned, and said the affirmations, it was gone! I am very grateful for releasing that pain. Thank you so much for this session with our group. I am going to buy the oils” – Maureen Callaghan, , Ontario, Canada
“Lynne is like a little energizer bunny and being in her space is a joy. The lessons I have learned from Lynne in just 3 short sessions would have saved me 10 years of counseling and thousands of dollars in medical expenses. I had a challenge with claustrophobia, and had sought every form of treatment…whatever was offered…I tried it!! I tried conventional and unconventional methods, and although Lynne may appear to be unconventional, her method works! I feel so free and will be forever grateful to Lynne”. Dalene Allen, Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
“This testimonial if for my son who is a wonderful boy and has been labelled with ADHD and OCD. He has struggled emotionally and socially. Since working with the oils and having a session of Krihanash (special for the oils and meridians) he seems less impulsive and fearful of bugs and germs. In fact he just seems happier, calmer and much more confident. This has been noted by everyone in his life from family members and friends to his teachers."Sheila Teal. , N.S. Canada
Testimonials and testimonial videos on Website at http://www.lifesmithcoaching.com
Contact me today for more information.
Certifications and associations
McGill University, Montreal Quebec P.Ed. Certified Business Coach Certified Master Life Coach - Global Standard Inner Mastery Practitioner – Fragrance Alchemy Oils, Belvaspata Healing, The Runes
- Life Coaches
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment