Business details
Starting out as a small hobby business over 14 years ago, we have grown to become a major competitor in the local firewood business.
We constantly compare pricing with others in the area to ensure that we are giving you the best value for your dollar. Our current price for a full cord is
Birch: $390.50
Tamarack: $300.00
Pine: $200.00
Poplar $129.50
All prices are +GST and delivery if applicable.
Scott started out splitting his first logging truck load of birch by hand before deciding that he really liked working with firewood.
He then progressed to a wheel splitter, and upgraded to a JAPA processor in 2003.
In 2007 we added a 2 cord delivery trailer to our business enabling us to deliver any quantity up to & including 2 cords of wood within a 70 km. radius. We cannot deliver in temps below minus 15, so please plan your deliveries before the frigid temperatures settle in. (Hydraulics hate cold weather :) ).
The demand for quality wood keeps increasing, and in 2015, we upgraded to a Cord Master, Cord King processor in an effort to keep up to our growing customer base.
We sell firewood a little differently than most others in the business, as we’ve discovered that people truly like to pay for ONLY what they take.
We’ve determined that selling wood by the cubic inch fits the bill.
We measure the unit that you will use to transport your wood – truck, trailer, car trunk, use your imagination – we’ve seen it all – and then figure out by cubic inch just how much of a cord you have loaded. A short box can only hold between .3 & .47 of a cord. You pay accordingly.
This year we have a good supply of our woods in stock: birch, tamarack, pine & poplar.
BUSINESS HOURS: Year round, if you can catch us on the phone, and it is not muddy in the wood yard, we are open. Our answering machine will let you know our status should you not reach us in person: this would generally mean we are outside, but don't want to miss your call. We look forward to meeting you and doing business with you.
Visit our website - www.firewoodonhi-way53.com - for full descriptions of wood types, and explanations of measurements, etc.
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