Business details
Nous somme a la recherche de lots de palettes de bois 48x40. Nous pouvons faire la recolte dans toute les region. Nous pouvons vous laissez une remorque pour garder votre entrepot propre et securitaire. Nous l'echangerons par une vide une fois remplite.
Vous pouvez nous contacter par telephone ou texto au 514 892 7289 ou sinon par email palettestacks@hotmail.com Nous payons contant ou par cheque le jour meme.
We are looking for loads of 48x40 wooden pallets. We could pickup in any erea. We could supply you with an empty trailer to keep your warehouse clean and safe. we would switch the full trailer with an empty one once its full.
We could be reached by phone or text messages at 514 892 7289 or by email at palettestacks@hotmail.com. We could pay cash or by cheque on the same day.
Language options
- French
- English
Business hours
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment